507-4353 Halifax St Burnaby BC V5C 5Z4
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These varmints may look creepy, but most mites are more of a nuisance than anything. Regardless, they can cause a wide variety of problems from crop damage to mild irritations to asthma attacks. Some of the most common mites you’ll want to...

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Yep, there are moles that exist in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver areas! While not nearly as plentiful as rats or mice, moles still exist where we live and they are here to stay. One mole species in particular that is native to BC is the coast...

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Moths are one of the most common pests you’ll find in Vancouver BC! These varmints like to nest in dark places, however they are also quite attracted to light. So, if you switch on the lights in your living room and see something flickering...

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Would you believe opossums actually do reside in Canada? As it turns out, they do! These varmints usually hang out in our neighbouring Lower Mainland city, Coquitlam. We do serve this city in addition to Vancouver and Burnaby, so if you’ve...

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Pavement Ant

Pavement Ant

Pavement ants are increasingly becoming one of Vancouver’s major pest problems! They are cousins to the carpenter, pharaoh, and moisture/cornfield ants that we get a lot of calls for extermination. While the pavement ant is more of a common sight...

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Pharaoh Ant

Pharaoh Ant

Gotta love the pharaoh ant. These ants can be commonly found nesting in homes and buildings throughout Vancouver and Burnaby. They are either light yellow or a reddish brown in colour with a darker brown abdomen. Luckily, their tiny size of 1 to...

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Phorid Fly

Phorid Fly

Phorid flies, or humpback flies, resemble fruit flies in a way but not so much in several others. To the naked eye, the two types look identical, but upon further examination they are very different in terms of their biology and living...

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Ah yes, the pigeon. These varmints are native to Stanley Park in Vancouver (as well as everywhere else in BC!). As a bird that’s now well-known to be a pest, the wild pigeon is naturally skilled at creating messes, whether pooping on your squeaky...

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Pill Bug

Pill Bug

Not to be confused for the sow bug (although it very easily is!), the pill bug is that infamous creepy crawly varmint that rolls itself up into a ball just like an armadillo if you catch sight of it. These protective discs are natural defense...

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