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How to Mouse and Rat-proof Your Home

How to Mouse and Rat-proof Your Home

There’s nothing more alarming than hearing a squeaking coming from nearby just as you’re drifting off to sleep or finding one running across your kitchen floor! No matter how cute they’re drawn in cartoons, no one likes to find out they’ve got...

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True & False Facts about Ticks

True & False Facts about Ticks

Here’s a pest that is made out of the stuff of nightmares (next to bed bugs, among many others!): the tick. No, we’re not talking about the goofy giant blue superhero some of us know… via GIPHY Sadly, we are referring to the eight-legged, creepy...

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All About Bed Bugs

All About Bed Bugs

They lurk in the dark, they feed in the night, they crave human flesh…this summer, no one can escape from…THE BED BUGS! Seriously, these varmints can go everywhere you don’t want them to be. They are the most notorious pests that...

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All About Fruit Flies

All About Fruit Flies

Here’s a varmint everyone knows about: the fruit fly! These need no introduction. They’re annoying, they love fruit as much as we do (the more fragrant the better!), and unfortunately they are here to stay. Sometimes, it’s a wonder how they even...

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