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Switch out the ‘m’ in mole and what do you get? A vole, of course! Actually, the vole is more related to the mouse than it is to the mole. Also known as field mice, voles possess a stouter body, a shorter and hairier and slightly rounder head...

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Woodlouse are much like our good ol’ varmint friends the sow bug and the pill bug. In fact, they are all interconnected in the one genus and many call a woodlouse a sow bug, and a sow bug a woodlouse. That’s how interchangeable the names are...

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Let’s talk about one of the most infamous pesky birds: the woodpecker! This is not the same cartoon character Woody Woodpecker we know and love. The woodpecker is an intrusive species of birds in the Vancouver and Lower Mainland areas, and boy do...

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